Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Taken in our leafy, snowy, and messy garden on this most beautiful of March mornings, we have Lily of the Valley...
More LOTV...
Sweet little chickadee at the feeder, enjoying the sun...
SNOWDROPS! (I nearly lost it when I saw these!)
And an open quince bloom!

It's the most wonderful time of the year... well, my favourite, anyway. Every Spring, I feel like all winter long I haven't quite been myself, but I haven't realized it until the air starts to smell like spongy earth and the sun feels warm on my face, and then I wonder how I could have possibly made it through such a dark season. Well, friends, 'the winter's over and gone; the time for the singing of birds has come'! We haven't seen the lawn for the snow since the beginning of February (very unusual around here). Just over the past few days, larger and larger patches of green have been exposed, the mud has been muddier, and the sun has been warm and friendly. I took the evergreen branches off of the flower beds this morning, and now they're warming up nicely. Can you tell that I'm a little excited about this?

In other news (seems pale in comparison), we're going away for a few days, so posts may be non-existent for a bit. But hopefully we'll find a super stroller for this little one on the way.

Speaking of whom, baby G's heart rate at the clinic this morning was 145 (perfect!) and s/he is now head down (yipeeeee!) and has had a very active morning (ouf!). My iron is good (I went for standard bloodwork yesterday) and I don't have gestational diabetes, so that's always a plus. I'm still feeling wonderful, and this gorgeous weather only helps! I just might explode if I'm not careful...

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