I attended a diapering workshop yesterday afternoon, hosted by Angela Johnston (and her adorable son, who was a great cloth diaper model) from the Valley Cloth Diaper Company. She talked a bit about the benefits of cloth diapering (I'm already a convert and I think the others in attendance were, too, but it was still nice to hear) and had a variety of diapers there to look at and practice with on dolls. It was so nice to be able to see all of the different ones in person! In the 'I would totally want to be smothered in this material which is really expensive and lovely' category, is this bamboo diaper. You must touch this thing - it is unbelievably soft, and is made from bamboo, one of my favourite renewable resources! It's also suitable for 10-35 lbs, so it would last baby a long time. I practiced with some prefolds on a doll, and I really like them (we have a few which we'll mostly use in the beginning when Baby G is too small for the 10-22lb Kushies I have, but we'll need a few more.) They're a bit more work than all-in-ones or pocket diapers to put on, but they're a LOT cheaper, won't take nearly as long to dry (saves energy!), and they can also be used as liners in other diapers, and eventually would even make great rags. I also asked Angela all of the questions I had, and now I have a narrowed down list of exactly what we'll need, which isn't much. She was great - not at all trying to convince us to buy her stuff or trying to talk us into buying more than what we need. I'm hoping for some gift certificates from valleyclothdiapers.ca so I can get those last things before June!
You look fantastic :) Can't believe it's 29 weeks already!
Wanna share your list of what you need for cloth diapering? We're going to do part-time cloth (disposable when out) and I had some diapers given to me - just wondering if you would mind sharing your list so I can see what we still need to buy :)
Hi Ange! And thanks - I feel fabulous. How are you feeling these days?
Re: diapering, Angela recommended at least 24 diapers total, 30 is preferable so you're not washing all the time and caught in a pinch. It all kind of depends on what type of diapers you're using - we're going to use prefolds when Baby G is too small for the 10-22lb ones we have, and then use those for liners in the all-in-ones we have for later on. So we'll have a couple dozen prefolds (I have a few already), and she said that 4 covers should do the trick so you always have a clean one handy. 4 Snappis are plenty (you only use one at a time, but they tend to end up here and there). We're also going to get a waterproof bag for when we're out and about. Hope that's helpful! What kind of diapers were you given? That was one of the things I was most surprised about - the tons of different types and styles and materials are infinite! :)
Sherrie - Congrats on the pregnancy! Glad everything is going well & can't wait to see the little one when they come! (Deboran Rotim (nee Durkee))
It's awesome that your planning on using cloth! I'm cloth diapering my daughter. My suggestion is that you spend alot of money on high quailty diapers and not alot of money on expensive covers and instead go with plastic/nylon pants. When my daughter was first born I tried typical diaper covers, but they were all too big! Luckily my mother-in-law had some old plastic pants she let me use. I was instantly a convert to the plastic pants, I still use them, even over night and it never leaks. You can get them at babybestbuy.com and you can also find plastic pants at babies r us. I would also suggest if your going to use prefolds and have the cash to get alot, like 5 or 6 dozen. I have about 6 dozen so I don't have to do laundry too often.
Thanks for all the info. It is incredibly helpful!
I'm going to send you off an email with some links to what I'm looking at getting :)
Wow - writing about diapers seems to be the way to get comments! :) Thanks for the tips, crunchy hippie mom, and nice to hear from you, Debbie! Are you still in touch with my sister?
Sort of yes and no - have seen her webpage and I have her on Facebook & Flickr, but haven't actually emailed back and forth since I was pregnant last year I think. Hope all is going well with her & the wedding. On another note, I wish I could have gone the non-disposable diaper route, but we don't have a washer/dryer in the apt.
Hi Sherrie!!
You look gorgeous!! You are already 28 weeks??? I was wondering about you since you last posted at NMY thread! Glad to read everything is going well! Good luck!!
Hi Noorjahan! Thanks for reminding me to check in with NMY (Although knowing you guys, I'm sure it would take me weeks to really catch up by reading all of the posts!) I'm 30 weeks now (!) and still feeling good. Hope things are well with you and the others. :)
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