Here's baby and me at 37 weeks! Adam took the second one just before I had a lovely nap this afternoon (I do look a little sleepy, don't I?). Baby G is approximately 6.5 pounds now (wow, that's weird to imagine!) and s/he is shedding and ingesting the lanugo (fuzzy hair-like stuff) and vernix (creamy protective stuff) which has been all over him / her for the past while. 'Breathing' in the amniotic fluid and digesting this stuff - it's all pretty wild.
I've been relaxing lots, like a good mama, and puttering away at my student's end of year reports, which I'm hoping to have finished by the middle of next week. I'm also hoping that baby G doesn't arrive before then! Not too much else is new, except that the tulips are all open and beautiful in the yard, despite the week of rain, drizzle, clouds, and fog. It's calling for sunny with cloudy periods on Wednesday, though - there's hope!
I think you are a wonderful Mama!
It will not be very long and you will be hugging a little cutey. I still think the baby is making his/her move on May 31st.
Papa G
Thanks! :) How much do you want to bet on May 31? That's something I should set up during my time at home - an online gambling system predicting when baby G will arrive, how much s/he will weigh, whether it's a boy or girl... hmmmmmm... :)
I had to stop in and see how you are. You look lovely. Congratulations on heads down and finishing work. Enjoy!
-Andrea (wateraddict MDC)
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