Saturday, April 19, 2008

the mighty OJ, product body, and soapaholics anonymous

I found this mint condition Mighty OJ juicer at Frenchy's last week. Is it not the most adorable appliance you have ever seen? It's solid metal and weighs a ton, and juices like nobody's business. It came in the original box, and I bought it knowing full well that it will likely get little use as a juicer. I still bought it, and it has made me smile every single time I've looked at it. Definitely worth $3.00.
And my swap soaps from Joanna of Product Body arrived! They smell and look delicious, and I can't wait to try them out.

And I will try them out, after I use up the rest of this bar from Heidi! I neglected to take a photo before starting to use it, so here's a half-used bar. You can see the other bar she sent, here.


Joanna Schmidt said...

You are so sweet. Thanks. Don't be tooooooo hard on me.

You know the history behind the bars... :P

Aren't Heidi's gorgeous?

Joslyn said...

i have that little juicer and i love it!