Good grief, my brain is functioning at an astonishingly feeble level. I did manage to sleep for a few hours more than usual last night, and realized that in the most recent post I wrote 'heretofore' when I meant 'hereafter', and thought that was so funny that I would leave it there to remind myself of my state of mind. I know things will only get better, as they have been so far.
The birth story in a very small nutshell:
Last Wednesday, Adam and I went to my regularly scheduled prenatal clinic appointment. My blood pressure was still high, and when I showed the doctor the readings I had taken at home, she frowned and said that she wanted the OB to see me that day. So I went in to an assessment room where they monitored Phillip and my blood pressure and other vitals. The OB came to see me and said that since I was 39 weeks and the baby was ready for the world, they wanted to induce me because my blood pressure wasn't good for either me or baby G. We agreed, I was admitted, Adam scurried home to pick up the stuff we would need, we called our families to let them know, and were hoping to have a baby on Thursday. I was given three 'gels' to induce labour. Well, the labour part (contractions) was definitely experienced (wow, it's amazing and intense and I think I would have died without using breathing techniques) but by Saturday morning (phew, I was tired!) nothing had changed as far as things opening up for a baby to get through, and there was no reason to believe that they would. So on Saturday afternoon, I had a c-section (my first ever surgical procedure - pretty big one!) and Phillip arrived, yay! It's kind of funny, because anyone who knows me knows how much I was looking forward to doing things as naturally as possible, avoiding any drugs, etc. And I ended up having the most 'medical' birth ever. The reason we were in hospital for so long was because I lost a lot of blood and am pretty weak (it won't really be back to normal levels for about a month) and my blood pressure is still high (which should settle down soon). My incision is pretty painful and I can't do any lifting, driving, or rolling over and getting out of bed easily (one of the things I was most looking forward to after pregnancy!) But all in all, I'm fine, Phillip's fine, and we're one happy family! Adam has been beyond amazing through the whole thing, and I really could not possibly put into words how thankful I am for him. He's the most amazing dad (and husband) ever.
I wasn't going to post baby G's name, but changed my mind. He's Phillip the One-Eyed Hobo King (when I get the chance, I'll try to capture some of his funny one-eyed glares). OK, his real name is Phillip Benjamin Graham. Otherwise known as 'Glowworm' (what he looks like when swaddled), or 'squawker'. He's amazing!
Congratulations! He's the best find, ever.
Congrats to you and your hubby! You have a beautiful son. I read your other post earlier and I was trying to guess what the P was for...lol Hello Baby Phillip :)
Thanks! You're right, he is the best find ever! :)
Hooray! He's Here! What a Lovely little Man!
Lots of hugs and kisses from the Woollins!
Phillip! Lovely choice. I was guessing Patrick before you decided to post his name...
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