And I'm pooped. I also wanted to quickly mention that my Etsy shop is closed until January - I'm taking a bit of a soaping holiday from the 'internets'. If you're local and are desperate for something, I can probably make it for you, just send me an e-mail. If you placed an order this weekend, I'm hoping to get them all made this week, and they'll be ready in a few more weeks - I'll let you know. Thanks to everyone who came out!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
another happy craft fair
And I'm pooped. I also wanted to quickly mention that my Etsy shop is closed until January - I'm taking a bit of a soaping holiday from the 'internets'. If you're local and are desperate for something, I can probably make it for you, just send me an e-mail. If you placed an order this weekend, I'm hoping to get them all made this week, and they'll be ready in a few more weeks - I'll let you know. Thanks to everyone who came out!
Friday, November 28, 2008
wish me luck!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ooh, have I got something great coming in the mail to tell you about! I ordered volume one of my very own blog book! I realized awhile ago that this is the only place where I have a coherent record of our life since 2005. So after a bit of looking, I found Blog2Print, where you can have your blog converted into a print book. It was exactly what I wanted - minimal effort, excellent-looking result. Each book has a maximum number of photos it can handle, so I could only do a book covering a few months. I chose January to June of 2007 - months of great anticipation for P's arrival. I'll have the rest of the blog converted into books gradually, since they're kind of pricey. For that particular book, it's about $50. I think it's definitely worth it.
One other tidbit for you - I found a terrific blog last night with gorgeous photos, ample amounts of craftiness, tutorials, food and other lovelies. It's A Foothill Home Companion, by Molly, and you should definitely check it out.
And Happy Thanksgiving to you Americans out there! I know more about turkeys than I will ever need to know, thanks to Martha's Sirius channel this week. (Take your turkey out when it's 160 degrees, and let it rest for at least 30 minutes, during which time the temp will rise to 165. Don't overcook it- that's the number one trouble with turkey. There are dry and wet brining techniques, and I can tell you all about them. Cornbread stuffing? Check. Gravy? Check. Pumpkin pie? Check, check, check. Actually, I learned a technique for keeping pie crust crispy this afternoon. Blind bake your crust until it's almost done. Brush with an egg wash, bake for another 5 minutes or until that's cooked on, and then add your filling. It creates a barrier that will keep your filling from making your crust soggy. Brilliant!) Enjoy your time together!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
packing, packing, packing

Monday, November 24, 2008
"two-times" & "lellow boots"
pinecone wreath
Sunday, November 23, 2008
a fine find

You may remember my driftwood shelves, laden with jars of herbs and spices and other natural soap additives. I like to keep things visible, so I can see what I have, and how much. I have some things which don't have jar homes, and I can never remember exactly what is stored away, so I was happy to find some more wire-closure jars at Frenchy's last week for 75 cents each. They're cute stubby ones, too, which is just right for the small amounts of many things I have. Like cranberry seeds and strawberry seeds and crushed grape seeds, for example. Kind of like red berries, I have a thing for glass jars. And seeds, apparently.
I just have to mention that I'm having a fantastic weekend, in case you didn't get that impression from last night's post. P and I visited a bit today, did a couple of teensy errands, and cuddled and read lots. What more could I ask for?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
post #800: snowy crafty afternoon (and evening)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
all dolled up

Pictured above are some shampoo bars; part of a custom Christmas order. They're Eucalyptus Lime, and I think they're quite lovely. I've been getting together lots of custom Christmas orders lately; if there's something you'd like to speak for before the craft fair on the 29th and 30th, let me know and I can set things aside for you. The shop was getting very bare, so I beefed it up with a few new listings for the last week and a half of November, before I go on a soaping hiatus for December. If you're local, don't forget that you can always buy soap directly from me and skip the shipping.
We have company this week, so things are a little busier than the usual routine, but good fun. Happy Wednesday!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Mother-in-Law Scones
3 c. flour
½ c. sugar
2 ½ t. baking powder
½ t. baking soda
¾ t. salt
¾ c. cold butter, cut into small pieces
1 c. buttermilk
1 c. berries, raisins, nuts, etc.
Mix dry ingredients in a medium bowl. Cut in the cold butter until the butter is the size of small peas (or, rub butter in with fingertips, but work quickly so as to not warm up the butter). Add the berries (or whatever you are using) and mix well. Add buttermilk and mix just until blended. Work dough into ball and knead 10-25 times (this is what the recipe says, what can I say?). Pat dough into two circles about 2 ½ inches thick. (The dough will be sticky and a bit hard to deal with. Don’t worry. Keep going.) Cut each circle of dough into 6 or 8 pie-shaped pieces. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Brush with buttermilk and sprinkle with sugar. Bake at 425 degrees for 12-15 minutes, or until lightly browned. Serve warm. (These can also be frozen and heated in the oven until they are crusty on the outside.)
The recipe is from over here, at Jora's lovely blog.
Friday, November 14, 2008
a knack for winning, and a million links
Here are the other nifty material things of the week:
1) We sometimes use disposables on P. Adam opened a package a month or so ago, and there were very sharp melted plastic bits on some of the diapers, rendering them dangerous and useless. I promptly packed them up with a letter to Huggies and received coupons for $66 worth of diapers. Nice.
2) My replacement Kitchen Aid mixer arrived.

Okay. I'm stepping away from the computer to sit still and read a magazine. Christmas crafting coming up tomorrow, yay! Happy weekend!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
a peek into my pantry and Christmas ramblings

My current pantry may not look like this one, but I do love it. I love whipping something up, tucked away in there, away from the rest of the kitchen. It's also where my Kitchen Aid resides once more - my replacement mixer arrived earlier this week. It sounds entirely different from the first one I had, which is probably a good thing. As is the case through the rest of the house, in my pantry glass jars abound. See that barley on the right? It's been there for way too long. Do any of you have recipe suggestions for barley which don't involve mushrooms? Adam can't eat them, and it seems as though barley is usually paired with those fun fungi. Let me know - I'd love to see your recipes.

And this little Martha-fied stack has been getting me in a festive kind of mood. I'm very excited that on Saturday, Annie and Ingrid are coming over for some Christmas crafting. I haven't decided what I'll be working on, but it won't be soap! I can't wait. I know that the whole Christmas thing isn't for everyone, but I am one of those people who love it. The planning, gifts, and food, of course. But especially the music. I'm very sheepish about my all-time favourite Christmas album, since it seems to be so out of character for me but I'll tell you - it's Mariah Carey's Christmas album. I know. In high school, a great friend (Hi, AC!) and I made incredible gingerbread creations each year for the annual school-wide contest, and I remember listening to it with her in her kitchen while we made a model of our school from scratch. I've loved it ever since. Listen carefully, and you just might hear me singing away in the car. Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
a life in lists

I seem to be having a lovely but very busy week. I have lots of pictures to share, but they may have to wait until the weekend. Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
best brownies

I tried this recipe last night. It is perfect, and I didn't change a thing. Adam took the diptych pictures because he loved them so much, too. Here's the reasons why I love them:
a) they take about 5 minutes to put together
b) they make a small pan, which is good if you're tempted to eat as many as possible
c) they take regular pantry ingredients, nothing out of the ordinary
d) they really are perfect brownies with amazing texture
So. Get out your 8x8 pan and whip these up for a mid week treat!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Buying seasonal and local food is obviously the best way to eat, and we do quite well through the summer and into the fall with the farmer's market. Uncharacteristically, I didn't even check to see what country today's pomegranate came from before buying it. And it was absolutely perfect and delicious.
I've found that I haven't been thinking as much as I did before about ways I can continue to change my habits to be a sweeter steward of the earth. Not knowing where the pomegranate came from brought that to my attention today. It could be for a variety of reasons:
a) 'Green' is a big thing in the media, and I tend to avoid trends, even though this is a good one
b) I've made so many changes to my lifestyle and habits over the past several years that I don't know what else to do on a day-to-day basis.
What green changes have you made that I haven't? Do you have a challenge up your sleeve? I'll take you on! Just to sum up, here are some things I'm already doing: cloth diapers, natural and homemade cleaning products, Diva Cup, reusable bags, minimum shopping for new things (we buy mostly used), not buying stuff for stuff's sake - it has to have a place and purpose, minimal driving in our one very compact car, wood stove for most heat, whole foods and cooking from scratch, drying clothes on the line, composting and recycling, and probably lots of others I haven't listed. I need some inspiration, and maybe you can help! What else can I do?
Sunday, November 09, 2008
november morning

Saturday, November 08, 2008
egyptian licorice tea

Thursday, November 06, 2008
gingerbread house

Is this not the cutest little house? I stopped in the rain to take a picture on my way back from seeing a student this morning.
Birch Bark Handmade Soap now has a Facebook group! Check it out and join the fun.
I have batches of soap to cut, dishes to wash, laundry to do, and a few magazines to read. So I think that's all for now. Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
a fabulous frenchy's find

Tuesday, November 04, 2008
cranberry upside down cake and fish sandwiches

Monday, November 03, 2008
more P and a new KitchenAid!

KitchenAid update: They're sending me a new one! They called tonight to let me know. While Phillip was screaming about having to get in the bathtub. More accurately, it was screaming about having to get undressed, which involved taking a toy out of his hand for 0.07 seconds so his arm would go through the sleeve of his shirt. It was a bit difficult to execute the conversation. But I can expect my shiny new mixer to arrive in 7-10 business days, yipeeee!
Americans: get out there and vote tomorrow! I'm very interested to see how it all goes.
I am making all kinds of wonderful things for an upcoming Christmas craft fair at the Fire Hall on Pleasant Street here in Yarmouth November 29&30. Mark it down - I'm going to have a few fantastic new things (like Moonlight Pomegranate soap and a Dead Sea Mineral Mud) which I haven't offered before.
Oh, and I bought a new camera on the weekend! My old little one has been temperamental lately, and I wanted another one with a few more features, including video, for clips of P. I bought a snazzy little Kodak, and I love it so far. There are a lot more features than on my old one, so I'll have to play with some of the manual settings and figure out all of the details. In all of my free time. Of which I seem to have very little as of late. Speaking of which, I need to clean up the kitchen. It's a bit of a disaster right now, to say the very least. Here I go, rambling away. Time to scoot.
Good night, and sweet dreams!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
helping and other odds and ends

Phillip helped me sweep the kitchen a few weeks ago. I nearly cried, it was so sweet. Especially when he was sweeping around the piles of milk jugs and bowls he had strewn around the floor.
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