Sunday, April 29, 2007

overcast morning

Adam and I went out to False Harbour this morning (that's the Cape Forchu lighthouse in the background) to take some pictures on this very overcast morning. We got there, gathered up our stuff, and waddled (Adam walked, I waddled very clumsily) across the beach to the spot he had in mind for taking some pictures. "Nooooooooooooo..." said Adam. He opened up the little door on the side of his camera, and there was no memory card in the slot. So I took this picture with my camera, we came back home, I stayed here while Adam went back. He just got back from his solo trip and said that as soon as he got there, it started raining!
I forget the name of this plant (pregnant brain acting up again) but I thought it was very cute how each little cabbage-y cluster was full of water.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Oooo ... it is so frustrating when the memory card gets 'forgotten.' We've done that before. Glad everything is going well!