Wednesday, February 20, 2008

goods 4 girls

is from sewfussy's etsy shop.

You may have seen the recent campaign by Proctor and Gamble to distribute disposable pads to girls in Africa. Not being a fan of disposable products in general, (and knowing that Proctor and Gamble are in it for the money) I was tickled pink to see that some pretty swell people got together and launched 'Goods 4 Girls' which works with aid and relief organizations to distribute new, reusable cloth pads to girls who need them. You can contribute by offering your sewing skills, or monetary contributions - check it out!

1 comment:

VoofaVoofa said...

Thank you for pointing out this superb cause. I'm sure to have loads of scraps leftover - and can somehow find the time, really - to make and send some real pads along to the girls.