Friday, February 22, 2008

a year of crockpotting

How's this for a beautiful crockpot? If you love your slow cooker (and not just for making soap in), you must check out A Year of Crockpotting. A crockpot recipe every day for a year! There are desserts, soups, the regular meats and such - I can't wait to see what the rest of the year holds! I think I'll try the Crème Brulée this weekend. It's something I've never had but have wanted to ever since seeing Amélie for the first of many times. Elle aime...


Stephanie ODea said...

thank you for the link!
We adored the creme brulee- let me know how it comes out or if you need any help.


ingrid said...

Holy shit. If your crème brulée in a crock pot actually works, I NEEEEEEED to eat some. I tried to make crème brulée once (in an oven, the traditional way) and it was dreadful. However, when it's made correctly, it is absolutely divine. We had a friend in Moncton who's a French chef and he made ginger crème brulée -- it's the most amazing thing you could ever dream of eating.

Canadian Saver said...

I was amazed too when I saw Crockpot Lady's crème brulée recipe !!! I was going to try it last week but didn't have enough heavy cream... have to buy some more!