KitchenAid update: They're sending me a new one! They called tonight to let me know. While Phillip was screaming about having to get in the bathtub. More accurately, it was screaming about having to get undressed, which involved taking a toy out of his hand for 0.07 seconds so his arm would go through the sleeve of his shirt. It was a bit difficult to execute the conversation. But I can expect my shiny new mixer to arrive in 7-10 business days, yipeeee!
Americans: get out there and vote tomorrow! I'm very interested to see how it all goes.
I am making all kinds of wonderful things for an upcoming Christmas craft fair at the Fire Hall on Pleasant Street here in Yarmouth November 29&30. Mark it down - I'm going to have a few fantastic new things (like Moonlight Pomegranate soap and a Dead Sea Mineral Mud) which I haven't offered before.
Oh, and I bought a new camera on the weekend! My old little one has been temperamental lately, and I wanted another one with a few more features, including video, for clips of P. I bought a snazzy little Kodak, and I love it so far. There are a lot more features than on my old one, so I'll have to play with some of the manual settings and figure out all of the details. In all of my free time. Of which I seem to have very little as of late. Speaking of which, I need to clean up the kitchen. It's a bit of a disaster right now, to say the very least. Here I go, rambling away. Time to scoot.
Good night, and sweet dreams!
I can't believe your kitchen would need a cleaning after all the sweeping and vacuuming you and P have been doing. ;)
Congrats on your new camera and soon-to-arrive new KitchenAid!
Moonlight Pomegranate sounds dreamy; I'm sure it'll sell like hot cakes, as does all your soaps!
Yes! I'm so glad they're sending you a new Kitchen-Aid. I can attest to the fact that there was definitely something shifty about your old one.
hey sherrie, hopes life going good for you
im interested in what kind of camera (model) you have. i know its a Kodak brand, but what model and/or series. thanks :Dl
email me back at gintomsett@hotmail.com because i always forget to come back and check it if you have replied. ha ha ha.
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