Since the name of the blog is Frenchy's Finds, and since I did happen to find these deliciously yummy things this afternoon after work (yay, payday!) I thought I would share them, even in pre-washed state.
Item number one is a Baby Gap purse-y sort of thing. I couldn't give Adam a good answer when he asked "What's it for?" For toddlers to have a bag to carry around like mum, I guess. Regardless, when you look a bit closer, all of those little speckly things are:

TURTLES! Tiny, shiny, embroidered turtles! Painfully cute. I think she charged me 30 cents for it. If we don't have a girl, I'm sure I'll find someone to pass it along to. If I don't just keep it for its cuteness factor. And the inside is:

striped! With a handy dandy little secret pocket. Very cute.

Item number 2 is a pair of Old Navy maternity stretch pants, suitable for work. Not just any pants, but ones I DON'T NEED TO HEM. This is nearly unheard of. I'm 5 feet tall, so I have a sewing machine which is used pretty much every time I buy pants. These ones are the perfect length. Colour me delighted!

And lastly, stripes! This is a double sheet I found, which I
love the pattern of. If we have a girl (I seem to be saying that a lot lately) I would love to make a sling out of this after she's born. My mother-in-law is coming for a visit in February, and we're going to work together to make a sling in a more gender-neutral pattern (this does have blue, but it's a little heavy on the pink. Not that I'm averse to boys wearing pink. Although I guess it would really be me or Adam wearing the sling...)
Speaking of slings, I have serious sling envy for
this beauty. If we have a girl... I still won't be able to afford it! :) Lest I leave the impression that I would be in any way disappointed if we have a boy, let me assure you that is very much not the case. I'll just need to find some more things at Frenchy's!
Edit: Just had an idea for the striped material - if we were to make a reversible pouch sling and use a neutral colour (tan or chocolate or something) for the opposite side, it could be suitable for a boy or girl!
1 comment:
ahhh, the mention of Frenchie's makes me long for the east coast!
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