I'm laughing out loud right now, because as I typed that last sentence I heard Phillip in his crib in the next room rather noisily fill his diaper. Rather than have that be the only acknowledgment, let's do something a little less E. coli ridden. How's about this... submit a comment about something you love about November. It's right up there with February as my least favourite month, so any positive thoughts about it are welcome. The winner (I'll randomly draw one name on Saturday) will receive a specially selected item from (where else?) Frenchy's! We'll get in touch and I'll find out what you'd really like to have. Oooooh, that's a good idea, especially given the name of the blog.

Item the third (and last): Mother in law bought us this great stroller bunting bag thingy at Value Village. I love it and can't wait to use it when Phillip's a bit bigger. I just saw it mentioned on Apartment Therapy: Nursery for $195! Jackpot!
My favourite thing about November? Thinking about the preparations for the Christmas season - planning Christmas baking and decorating, and thinking about "that perfect gift" for a friend or family member. And those cool, crisp nights when you anticipate the first sprinkling of snow...
My favourite thing about November is hiking! Especially here in Korea...it's more like October than November. Not to mention there's a LOT less humidity, so there's less pollution hanging in the air. Yay for blue skies and fall colours and no more sweating!! :)
Happy 400th post!
Can I say this without feeling like an ass? My favourite thing about November is the Remembrance Day long weekend . . . because it means an extra day off to be curled up indoors doing what I love best: knitting and baking.
See what I mean about November? One comment is that it's the hope of a better month ahead, one that it's a month with a day off, and one that its more like October! Does November have any merits of its own? :) Thanks for the comments! Keep them coming!
My November is like your February- the month before summer! (I think) So if I tell you my favourite November things- you can apply them in Feb :). I love that the weather is warming- salad ingredients are affordable and you can sit in the last rays of the sun to eat dinner. I like the smell of bbq wafting over the fence and am looking forward to setting ours up. This November I am looking forward to finishing my exams and starting my job, and enjoying planning all the christmas crafting to come! (So theres some for Feb and Nov!!)I hope you can find some things to love about November too!
One of my favorite November thing is to watch my burning bush turn red (it seems most start turning in October but ours starts a bit late). I'd love to make an elephant too! I think it's the cutest thing I have seen in a long time (actually Phillip in his tigger costume beats it but since I can't make one of him I'll stick to the elephant!)
My favorite thing about November? The Santa Clause parade in Saint John, of course!!! It isn't spectacular ,it's usually extremely cold with no snow... but it always falls either on my birthday (18th)or close to it. It has historically been the Saturday I celebrated my birthday!
My favourite thing about November is it's usually when I plant my bulbs for spring. When all the plant life is dying, it's nice to plant some things to look forward to when winter's finally over.
I love November, changing season, cosy sweaters, snuggling by a crackling fire, frost in the mornings... I find coming out of winter - muddy March and bare tree April harder to enjoy.
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