Here are the promised pictures of our re-done bedroom. It's an extra disaster-ly room in the before photos, because I took the pictures after Adam had run around the room, peeling off strips of wallpaper to see if there really was only one layer. I had also begun packing up clothes and didn't bother to make the bed, clearly. Anyhoo, it's done and we love it. It's calm and lovely and clean! The floors (you can see them best in the first photo) are so much easier to keep clean and it just looks a thousand times better. I need to make some modifications to the curtain in the window so it doesn't look so silly as a tab top, but I'm in no huge rush. Adam's parents (aka MIL & FIL) were so sweet when they were here - they spent all kinds of potential Phillip time wallpapering our closets. Thank you!
I survived Big Bad Thursday! It really wasn't that bad at all, going back to work post-maternity leave. For the first day, anyway! We'll see how tomorrow goes.
And another batch of soap is done, and will be curing for the next few weeks. It's Vanilla Peppermint, and it looks great. When it's done curing, I'll post some pics.
I am glad that the painting, etc. went well and that you have a beautiful, relaxing space :) I hope that I didn't leave many things unfinished so that your return to work is a smooth one :) Take care!
Hi there!!
Phillip is so adorable...I bet he he loved that walk!!
The room is beautiful.....you've done sooo much with that room!!I really love it!! The floor is so homey looking!!
I know today must have been rough...I remember leaving Marlana for the first time...not a pretty picture!! It was easier leaving her at SMU!! :)) That was hard, too!!
Have a great day tomorrow...meet some kiddies maybe!! That's always LOTS of fun!!
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