Tuesday, February 05, 2008

red dots and green tidbits

I mentioned quickly in passing the other day that you can sign up with the Red Dot Campaign to have Canada Post stop delivering unaddressed mail to your mailbox. That's about all I said - I think it deserves a bit of further explanation. It's been mentioned on CBC on a few different shows lately, and I think it's great. Here's why:

Flyers are made from trees, require fossil fuels for production, ink, shipping, and delivery, are outdated in a very short period of time and end up in the recycling bin, requiring more energy to recycle. And here's the thing: they're available for free, online at store websites! So, as a former flyer fanatic, I'm signing up with the Red Dot Campaign and checking out weekly deals on store websites from now on.


This will only stop the flyers and unaddressed mail which Canada Post delivers from appearing in your mailbox. In these here parts, independent carriers deliver the larger bundles of other flyers. So here's what I'm going to do as well as signing up for the Red Dot Campaign: put a cute little sign on our mailbox with the polite request: "No Flyers Please", which will hopefully prevent those ones from appearing as well.

Other green goings on for the Grahams and other local folks to write in your calendars:

Saturday March 29 at 8pm: Earth Hour party at our house (it also happens to be the day before my birthday!) Should be a good time.

Tuesday April 22: Earth Day Potluck at our house! More details forthcoming.

And check out www.worldchanging.com for some inspiration and gobs of thought-provoking, quality green information (I'm particularly interested in 'Shopping Our Way to Safety' (left sidebar) and am on my way to request it from the library right now!)

Lastly - another contest! (To reward those of you who either read the whole post or at least scrolled to the bottom.) One bar of Peppermint Vanilla soap to someone randomly drawn on Monday, February 11, who comments with a promise to sign up for the Red Dot Campaign (I'll keep asking you about it, too!)


Vickie LeBlanc said...

We've had a polite little sign on our mailbox for some time now saying ''We love trees... no flyers please''.

I've signed up for the Red Dot Campaign a few weeks back. Thanks to everyone that will do the same.

We are having a ''solar panel'' party to celebrate Earth Hour in March.

Amy said...

I'll sign up for the Red Dot Campaign...I LOVE your soap:)

Alison said...

Hi! I clicked over here via Ingrid's blog to see your neckwarmer, and what a bonus to find the Red Dot link, too! I'm totally going to register -- I already have a "pas de circulaires, s.v.p." sign on my door, to thwart those local flyer-carriers.

Sarah C said...

I love the idea behind the Red Dot campaign! However, it isn't really practical for many people who, like myself, have a communal mailbox that is shared with other tenants. On the plus side, only one flyer is delivered instead of several - does that count?

Anonymous said...

HI Sherrie!!

WE have not had a mailbox since Mar was in grade primary...have a PO in Yarmouth......and get NO flyers...in fact I borrow a relatives to read or just check online......so I am green, in that way, without even making an effort!! WHO KNEW!!!???? Love your soap!! Connie

Anonymous said...

Wow what a great link. We will definitely be signing up to the Red dot campaign as I am sure every extra sign up drives the point home. I am not sure if we personally need it as when we moved into our new house 9 months ago which has those public survery group mailboxes, I was actually getting so bothered by all the junk mail in our mail box, that nobody in our house ever reads or needs and goes straight to the recycling box that I made a point of seeing our mail carrier (from Canada Post) and asked kindly to have all junk mail stopped. And it was no problem he simply put a special sticker in our mail box (to remind himself) and nothing has come since. And as for the flyers, ah yes that too, I contacted our local paper and flyer deliverer to have that stopped to to our house as online flyers are so much cleaner for us to view and for the environment, and that worked too. We have a sticker on our home mail box as to no junk but I find some door to door junk carriers disregard it - not cool but I guess you try to stop as many as you can.