Wednesday, July 16, 2008

how to make your own toothpaste

Toothpaste is the easy-peasiest thing to make, and you can customize it to your taste! Here's the recipe I used.

3 tbsp baking soda
1 tbsp salt
1.5 tbsp glycerin (available at drugstores)
a few drops peppermint oil

Mix the first four ingredients together and add enough water (not much) to make a toothpaste-y consistency. I'm going to store mine in a little glass jar - you could use any type of container. Happy brushing!

Note about the oil: I found these tiny little bottles of peppermint oil at Bulk Barn. They have some natural and some synthetic flavour oils, including everything from watermelon (you guessed it, fake) and cinnamon (which I will try next time) for $1.99.

1 comment:

Raegan Belliveau said...

Thanks for this recipe, Martha! I'm going to try it. BTW- never buy the pie filling from the bulk barn (which I'm sure you wouldn't anyway.) I know a really gross story. My last post was about you-well sorta. My soap stinks! I'm dying to try your kumquat soap. Thanks again.