Thursday, December 18, 2008

pharmacien de 1re classe

Santal Midy. L. Midy, First Class Pharmacist. Dose: 10 to 12 capsules per day.
Paris. Pharmacie, 113, rue de Faubourg St-Honore. Sold wholesale to: Maison Grimault & Cie, 8, rue Vivienne.

I picked up this little bottle at an antiques shop downtown at lunch time today. I saw it there a few months ago, didn't buy it, and kept thinking about it. Since I was on my way by today, I stopped in to see if it was there, and it was. So I bought it. I looked up 'Santal Midy' and this was the only information I could quickly find, from a fellow Maritimer, no less. The bottle is labeled as 'huile essentielle de santal citrin', and it was apparently, used as a treatment for bladder, liver, and venereal ailments. Syphilis, eh? No thanks. It was the French label and 'huile essentielle' that drew my attention, and I'm glad that I picked it up. It will cohabitate with my other small bottles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's a marvelous little bottle (I'm partial to those too), and you can just leave the syphilis part out of your explanation when visitors ask. ;)