Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I think I'm finally coming down with something. I had been so proud of myself for being so healthy all Winter long. Well, now that it's Spring, so I guess I was healthy all Winter long. (I think that seasons are deserving of capitals.) Oh yeah, except for the bladder evils in January. Okay, never mind. I've been feeling progressively worse all day and am sore all over, with chills, right now. So, I have a cup of peppermint tea to drink until Phillip is really, truly asleep. Then my plans include a nice hot bath, some reading in bed, and lots of sleep. Good night!


Vickie LeBlanc said...

Wishing you well Sherrie.

Annie said...

oooh no! I hope it won't last long! You chose a pretty picture for such a post :)

Barb said...

Feel better soon ~ the begonia is a gorgeous colour.

esteemed director said...

Do feel better my dear Sherry.

ingrid said...

Aw. I'm sorry you're feeling cruddy. Feel better soon so we can go on an escapade to Digby County sometime!

Sarah C said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling well - be sure to pamper yourself!

Heidi said...

Oh dear =P We have the same story here. Our pediatrician completely jinxed us at the baby's appt. I hope it doesn't last too long!