Our Christmas cards are done and almost ready to be mailed. What a sweet family!
In other news, we made a delightful discovery the other day - there is only one layer of wallpaper on the walls of our bedroom! One! There have been at least seven or eight in the other rooms we've done, which meant that they took forever to redo. So we have everything out of the bedroom, much of the wallpaper is off (vinegar and water work wonders!) and it should be done by Christmas. I'll definitely post before and after shots! This is very exciting indeed.
Nice ear flaps, Phillip! :)
The matching jackets scare me a little ;)
That's a fantastic shot, guys!
Hi Sherrie! I've been lurking on your site for a while ~ my friend Tracy Burgess thought I would like it as I'm a stay-at-home mum too. I think I actually know you though! Were you in Fredericton from 1998-2000 at Doug Hapeman's church? I went with Sara Archibald.
Hi Allison! Lurk away, and it's nice to hear from you! My sister went to Acadia with Tracy, and I do remember you from Fredericton! I was thinking about Sara yesterday. You have beautiful curly hair, as I recall. (I always wanted curly hair!) And didn't you work at Mark's Work Wearhouse? I'm loving staying at home, but will be going back to work (as a teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired) in January. If I could, I'd stay home forever! :)
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