Since my dad doesn't read this blog, I'll show you all what Ingrid knit for him for Christmas. They're called 'wristers' by old school lobster fishermen around here, and they're worn between gloves and sleeves to keep wrists dry and warm. Dad likes thin ones, as they don't get in the way. They're pretty much a knit tube. Ingrid also made a pair for him for his birthday. Here are some curious tidbits:
- My dad started fishing with his dad, who was also a lobster fisherman, and his boat is named the 'Anne Isabella' after his mother and sister's middle names
- The lobster fishery here runs from the last Monday in November until the end of May, and in 2002, Nova Scotia's landings were worth 427.5 million dollars (!)
Here's a semi-cheesy Youtube video which shows you kind of how it goes (please excuse the poor grammar):
semi-cheesy? 'She is just a simple blogger, posting on the internets.'
Okay, okay. It's very cheesy. But it does contain interesting information for those who are unfamiliar with the whole thing, husband. :)
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