Wednesday, September 03, 2008

mesh produce bags

Look what arrived in today's mail! I'm very excited about these mesh produce bags I ordered on Etsy from amkdesigns. They're the kind of thing I could absolutely make myself, but know that I would only get around to in a very long time. So I took a little piece of my soap profits and reinvested in a fellow Etsy seller. Here's the deal: I hate those thin little plastic produce bags and haven't used any for a very long time. Translation: I've been chasing my plums, oranges, mangoes and kiwis down the conveyer belt and frustrating cashiers who can't keep them all on the scale at the same time, because they're not bagged up. Not to mention trying to keep the tomatoes from falling down between the other items in my Lee Valley totes and getting squished. There are six beautifully made mesh bags which weigh next to nothing, and they come with a nifty Amy Butler print carrying bag. Which very thoughtfully has a clip so it can be attached to your reusable grocery tote or purse. Nifty, eh? You can see amkdesigns' shop here.


Heidi said...

I love those! I've been making check-out clerks mad for a while too. I thought I'd found the perfect material to make my own, but I was sadly mistaken. I'm going to give it one more try, but if they don't work I'm ordering at least one set of those!

Anonymous said...

This post sounds exactly like something that I wrote, especially this line "They're the kind of thing I could absolutely make myself, but know that I would only get around to in a very long time." Are you sure we're not twins? LOL!

I actually do use the little plastic bags, but I reuse them over and over again and chide dh when he grabs a new one.

What drives me crazy is when people who use those plastic bags tie impossible knots in them, and then rip the bag open to get their fruits. ARRGGHH!

Sorry, sensitive topic for me. ;}

I'll definitely check out amkdesigns!