This month marks three years of blogging here. Umm... three years?! That's how long it takes to build a $7 million luxury yacht or for a corporate reputation to recover from a crisis. (did you catch that, Maple Leaf?) I could have been doing what this woman did, and have taken a picture a day for three years...
or not, since I would inevitably forget.
I really enjoy sharing little snippets of my life with you imagined readers (not imaginary, but as in I imagine you all sitting at your computers when I post) and I like to think of this blog as a collection of the daily pleasures which might be overlooked if not for the thought "I could blog about that!" I share here what I enjoy on others' blogs - photos (my photography has definitely improved over the course of this blog's life), recipes, household tidbits, garden goodness, sweet babies (well, one in particular), and of course, things I find at Frenchy's.
Anyway, what better way to celebrate this month than having a few giveaways of Frenchy's items? First up is the Burberry scarf. Leave a comment with your favourite thrift store find (and if you've never been to one, I feel very sorry for you. You can just write about your cat or something) and the random number generator will choose a winner on Friday the 12th whenever I remember.
I have a few other items up my sleeve for future giveaways that I think you might like, so stay tuned!
My favorite thrift store find was a black cashmere dress coat circa 1950s or 60s. It was in great condition and didn't look out of style. I think I got it for less than $10!
My current fav thrift store find is the cutest little Esprit de Corp multi-colored-plaid sleeveless sun dress (I'll have to post a photo of it at my blog at some point). I bought it for about $4 at the Goodwill in Delaware, and get compliments on it all the time. Every other photo of me during my visit to Vancouver this summer has me wearing that dress. ;)
Happy Third Blogaversary, and many more years to come!
I do so enjoy your blog. Happy Happy Blogaversary.
My favorite thrift store find was my 2 quart pyrex glass measuring cup I got for a couple of bucks. Not glamorous, but so useful!
Lordy, that's a nice scarf!
Happy third blogiversary! My favourite thirft store find is my vintage Korean (I think -- it's in some sort of Asian language) "Have a Coke and a Smile" t-shirt . . . or maybe my Boy Scouts of America pants.
My favorite thrift find is my cloth pink purse/bag I got for 75cents! Oh and it's reversible!
A siam silver peacock pin.
I don't know if this counts but I will share it anyway because I think it's a great story. There I was, completely engrossed in my Frenchy's shopping. I had just tried on a boat load of clothes and had the 'no' pile at the top of my basket to return to the proper bins. Finally I made my way up to the counter with my purchases. As I began unloading my basket I thought, wait a minute, didn't I come in here with a jacket? Frantically I retraced my steps looking for my favorite comfy $150 wool coat in every bin and dressing room I could find, but alas, the coat was nowhere to be found. Suddenly the cashier says...um...actually I think I might have just sold it to someone else, for $5.00. Nope, I wasn't loving the Frenchy's bargains that day. She didn't really know who the person was that she sold it to, but I left my name and number in the hopes that some miracle would occur and my coat would be returned. A week passes by, and one afternoon my phone rings. God love caller ID when I saw "Guy's Frenchy's" blazing across the mini telephone screen. The lady who had accidently purchased my coat a week before, and subsequently had it drycleaned, had returned to Frenchy's and been recognized by the same cashier. She was calling me from Frenchy's to say yes, I could have my coat back. The next day I meandered into Frenchy's with a thank you card and a little gift for the good samaritan to retrieve my long lost, freshly dry cleaned coat. My best thrift store find ever :)
I don't know if I could pick a favourite thrift store find ever, as I've been shopping at Frenchy's with my Mom for as long as I can remember...
I can tell you my favourite Frenchy's situation though, which has happened to me multiple times. Nothing excites me like finding something at Frenchy's that I previously saw and wanted in retail, but that I couldn't bring myself to buy. I can immediately think of three GREAT times that's happened to me:
Nine West Embossed Denim Purse
Winners: $49.99
Frenchy's: $1.50
Eddie Bauer Orange Sundress
Eddie Bauer: $59.99
Frenchy's: $3.75
Old Navy Waffle-weave Sleepers
Old Navy: $14.50
Frenchy's: $1.10
Oh, the thrill of the hunt!!
I don't know if I have a particular favourite Frenchy's find, but I do love shopping for dishes at various thrift stores! My goal is to someday replace all of my uniform dishes with a set of unique pieces :)
Well, how could I not respond when my favorite Frenchy’s find is something YOU gave me!?! The red pajama pants with the blue plaid cuffs...I think they are Nautica or something, but they are AWESOME!
a black, satin, floor length evening gown with rhinestone straps. It was $10! I wonder if that was a price error...
My Best find ever was a dining room table!!! It is soild cherry wood (we think...) and it was new in the box, I did pay $60 for it, but still a really good buy! (the airport Frenchy's in Yarmouth! :)
You guys are the best! I didn't know how much I would love reading about your finds. And stories - it's really all about the experience, isn't it? Sarah, I'm glad you got your coat back, and Sarah, your table! I don't think I've ever seen furniture at the airport store. Nice.
How fun! I love thrift store shopping. I think my favorite find was a pretty black purse that looked new (still does!) for only $3. I was so happy and still use it all the time.
Happy blogiversary! My favourite (Value Village) find is a full set of Pyrex bowls with a matching casserole dish - they're orange and brown with wheat sheaves on them. Reading these stories makes me miss Frenchy's, though! Ontario doesn't know what it's missing.
actually the first thrift store i've been to is frenchy's in digby nova scotia when we were visiting family on a trip this past may. i loved it in there(We actually went to both of the stores in digby!) i bought clothes for my then 10 month old son! (now he's 13.5 months) it was great. the clothes were in good condition and soo cheap! he came home to ontario with more clothes and i had wished i would've packed an extra suitcase!!!
Oh Wow, By favorite find! There are so many though!
I love it when I can find designer finds (such as yours) for Pennies!
Last year around this time of year I found a Pottery Barn treat bag for $.99! That was pretty fun :D
I need help to become a Frenchy shopper!!! Never found anything great - YET. Maybe it has to do with the maritime blood in all of you... ;)
Happy blogaversary! Love it, read it every day. Congrats on the inchy fame!
I don't frequent any thrift shop very often since I don't shop very often...only for food stuff's. But I do recall about 10 years ago I did go to Frenchy's and purchased a "fur" wrap for $5. I see this on my staff at least once a week in a skit or some dress up occasion which in turn brings delight to all the campers we look after. This brings great joy to my heart :).
my mom & i found this little desk/table...it had this dark varnish on it which i stripped off, then i did white wash treatment on it...and i adore it! it has a great beach house/cottage feel! we use it for a nightstand in our guest room...love it!
also just got a old teachers desk which i have big plans for(but that was a freebie from an old building, not a thift store find...)
happy blogging to you...a great way to document & celebrate everyday life!
hmm, my favorite thrift store find...has got to be the giant mens cashmere sweater that The Husband pulled out of the rack when I was searching for woolens to make a blanket. Not only is it cashmere, but it's HUGE, so it's alot of cashmere. I used it in that blanket, and I still have a bunch left for something else.
Happy blogoversary!
Happy Blogiversary Sherrie! I thought I posted a response, but it seems to have disappeared, so I'll try again.
My favourite Frenchy's purchase was two skirts, bought at the Weymouth Frenchy's a few years ago. One was a pink Kenneth Cole, perfect fit and perfect for work. The second was an aubergine coloured skirt, with a beautiful lace overlay woven with silver threads. Unfortunately the second skirt met a very early demise (I only got to wear it once or twice!). I made the mistake, one morning when I hadn't quite woken up, of ironing it. The lace overlay melted on the iron. It was disasterous! I still mourn the skirt. Sigh.
I don't know if it's my favorite, but my most recent thrift-shop find was a royal blue pole lamp that Eric and I found at Goodwill for the exercise/gender-neutral-future-child-room. :)
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