Is there anywhere where fruit flies don't appear at the end of the summer? I just might decide to move there, thanks. I originally posted a fruit fly trap idea
here. The only trouble came from the smarter fruit flies who figured out how to get up through the funnel. So I came up with a more effective idea (I think I came up with it; I may have read it somewhere). I just took a glass jar, put a bit of cider vinegar in the bottom (you could also use a fruit scrap) and stretched a piece of cling wrap tautly over the jar opening. I then poked several little holes in the plastic wrap with a toothpick. The fruit flies can get in, but they can't get out.
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I'm really happy that other people have fruit flies in their homes. They make me feel so dirty some how. lol
Our fruit flies have outsmarted the inverted funnel traps too. I'm going to try your nifty idea; I'm getting pretty desperate.
Too funny... we made the same trap a couple days ago - except we used red wine and fruit scraps. Since then Jamie is counting the flies....
When I looked this morning, there was one lonely ff in there. Another was hanging on the edge, but not going in.
I keep waiting for the fruit flies I left behind in Halifax to figure it out and show up in my kitchen, but so far, so good. I guess that's one thing that Toronto's got going for it! I'd love to see someone's face when they ask me how I like the city and if I told them, "It's great here, there are hardly any fruit flies." Not exactly the kind of ringing endorsement people around here are looking for. ;^)
What a great idea! I am totally going to give your trap a try next time I pick up our produce.
'Nother update (sorry...you must be tired of hearing from me) - the trap has caught at least 10, if not more fruitflies. Woohoo! It's working better than anything else I've tried (it could also be the grape muss I put in the container...). Thanks again.
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